The secret to feeling rested

Have you ever had a feeling like you need another weekend even though you just had one? You are not alone. Sometimes it happens when our body and mind are misaligned with the type of rest we actually need. Did you know that there are seven ways to unwind?


This type of rest can help you unwind from physical demands that life might be putting on your body.

Things you could do: getting enough quality sleep, incorporating gentle movement (like stretching or gentle walk).


We live in the age when information is being poured on us from different sources: at work, on social media, at home. Taking a break from processing it, is crucial.

Things you could do: unplugging, practicing mindfulness for better mental clarity, meditation and breathwork.


Life is our big adventure, and challenges are an inevitable part of it. Sometimes, these challenges are presented in a form of an emotionally draining situations, or relationships. While we don’t always have a chance to walk away, we can give ourselves a permission to take a break.

Things you could do: creative activities, journaling for emotional wellbeing, seeking therapist support when needed.


We have all been there: saying “yes” to a dinner, while all you feel like doing is going home and read a book. Othertimes, we realise that we don’t have anything in common with our old friends, and hanging out feels like an obligation. Spend time alone, setting boundaries and re-evaluating your relationships, making sure that you are surrounded with supporting heartwarming people.

Things you could do: saying no to a party invitation, taking yourself for a solo date, building boundaries and re-evaluating your relationships circle.


Our fast paced world is full of simulations: digital screens, lights, sounds. We become overstimulated, and need to allow ourselves to slow down, embrace quietness.

Things you could do: go for walk in nature, listening to sounds around you (they have a soothing effect on our nervous system), dimming lights in your environment.


Sometimes we need to get inspired. There is nothing better for it than creative rest: get out in nature, listen to your favourite music, or try pottery. Sometimes, we need to be in touch with creativity to come up with new ideas.

Things you could do: try pottery, jewellery making, colouring, doodling, or just seek inspiration.


We often live life on auto-pilot, and from time to time, we need to step back, and find connection in something beyond our daily routine.

Things you could do: reflect if you live your life according to your personal values, meditate, give back.

In order to reset and feel more balanced, we need to be mindful of what our body and mind require on different days. When planning your next day off, ask yourself: what do I crave the most at the moment?